The Spanish royal academy in its dictionary defines the meaning of the words "military occupation":
1. f. Permanence in a territory of armies of another State that, without annexing that one, intervenes in its public life and directs it.
In English the Cambridge dictionary defines the meaning of the words "military occupation":
1. f. A situation in which an army moves into a place and takes control of it.
The ideological disaster:
The fascist and national socialist Chavista criminal regime presided over superficially and illegitimately by the usurper Nicolás Maduro Moros has allowed the territory that comprises the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to be today occupied and under the influence of numerous criminal organizations, military armies and paramilitaries with affinity terrorists who are part of public and political life in the country, taking away natural wealth, destroying ecosystems, causing serious crimes and armed confrontations where innocent Venezuelans lose their lives, thus generating an impact on the public life of the country and its inhabitants, all by virtue of the fact that they have been allowed inherence and participation in the political power that leads the country.
These actions have led to Venezuela becoming a failed, occupied and effectively criminalized state. Dozens of domestic and international criminal entities have successfully infiltrated and compromised government institutions at all levels.
And although many people believe that it is impossible to prove that, the international reports compiled by the intelligence and research work of the European Union and the Netherlands prove it.
Below I will share several excerpts from the findings that the Stichtin Venezolaanse Vluchtelingen has compiled from these confidential reports issued by the Netherlands:
Cuban and Chinese occupation:
...China is a provider of technology and software for the control and monitoring of the Venezuelan people...
...Chinese technology and the training of Cuban intelligence advisors...
...The DGCIM military intelligence service is responsible for detecting dissident elements within the armed forces. He has received training in these activities from Cuban instructors...
...The agency is organized according to the Cuban model and the staff receives training from Cuban advisors, who also have a physical presence in the different sections of the DGCIM...
...While the SEBIN and the DGCIM have executive and operational tasks, the role of the Strategic Center for Homeland Security and Protection (CESPPA) is to collect and analyze all information for the protection of Venezuela's national security. This information is also provided by SEBIN and DGCIM...
...CESPPA performs data analysis using advanced software...
...While the DGCIM is controlled by the Ministry of Defense and the SEBIN by the Ministry of the Interior and Justice, the CESPPA depends directly on the Office of the Presidency...
...The CESPPA does not have operational powers, but is the body within the Venezuelan security apparatus that determines the policy, strategy and methodology of the other agencies. Cuban intelligence has a prominent presence within this organization...
...the 76th Army Group of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has been training jointly with the Venezuelan Special Forces in linguistic, diving, sniper and helicopter landing operations...
Iranian occupation:
...Iranian investments within Venezuela are increasing and ambitions for nuclear cooperation between states are no secret...
...Since 2006, Iranian military advisors have been embedded in Venezuelan troops...
...Asymmetric warfare, taught to members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, Hezbollah and Hamas, has replaced US Army field manuals as standard Venezuelan military doctrine...
...In the last three years, several Iranian-owned and controlled factories have sprung up in remote and underdeveloped areas of Venezuela. These factories have emerged in small towns in the interior of Venezuela with a lack of basic infrastructure and simple services such as restaurants and grocery stores. The lack of infrastructure is offset by what experts consider ideal geographic locations for illicit weapons production...
Russian occupation:
...Russian private military contractors (PMCs) with ties to the Kremlin were used to bolster the security of Nicolás Maduro and his regime. Russian PMCs have also been reported to use Venezuelan military uniforms in the capital Caracas, in the country's mineral-dense eastern region, and along the Colombia-Venezuela border...
Colombian guerrilla occupation:
...The Colombian guerrilla now operates in at least thirteen of the 24 Venezuelan states. However, the ELN and the FARC are more active in the states bordering Colombia...
So... It is an occupied country?
Although the situation in Venezuela has not been declared oficially at the international level, as an occupied state, we can appreciate a series of factual and legal situations that have a lot of approximation to the specific characteristic of an occupied territory or country and where the minimum guarantees of fundamental rights that international legislation are violated. seeks to protect.
This crucial step could pave another path for diplomatic intervention and coordinated actions aimed at restoring stability, preserving human rights, and finding an equitable solution for the Venezuelan people amid these critical circumstances.
Legal basis occupied territories:
The Fourth Geneva Convention (1949)
Article 2. Establishes that the signatories are bound by the Convention, both in war, armed conflicts, in war that has not been declared and in the occupation of the territory of another country.
In Venezuela there is not only an undeclared armed conflict, but a "mosaic of conflicts motivated by power" and there is also the occupation of the territory by other countries and armed groups.
Article 3 establishes that, even when there is no conflict of an international nature, the parties must, at a minimum, adhere to the minimum protections described as: non-combatants, members of the armed forces who have laid down their arms, and combatants who who are hors de combat (hors de combat) due to wounds, detention or any other cause will be treated humanely in all circumstances. with the following prohibitions:
a) attacks on life and physical integrity, in particular homicide in all its forms, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture.
This has been violated with the acts of repression suffered in the period 2014-2019.
b) Hostage taking.
Political prisoners without a defined judicial process and military prisoners would be defined as hostages of the occupying forces.
c) attacks on personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment.
The majority of the Venezuelan civilian population is subjected to humiliating and degrading treatment.
d) The imposition of sentences and execution without a prior sentence pronounced by a regularly constituted court, which offers all the judicial guarantees recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.
In Venezuela there are no judicial guarantees recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples, it is perfectly applicable. This has resulted in the imposition of sentences and execution without prior ruling pronounced by a regularly constituted court.
Article 49. Individual or mass forced transfers are prohibited, as are deportations of protected persons from the occupied territory to the territory of the occupying Power or that of any other country, occupied or not, for whatever reason.
The exodus of more than 7.7 Million Venezuelans who have fled by virtue of escaping the conditions of cruel and inhuman treatment along with extermination and apartheid policies is perfectly applicable.
Article 50. The Occupying Power, with the cooperation of national and local authorities, will facilitate the proper functioning of all institutions dedicated to the care and education of children.
The Occupying Power will take all necessary measures to facilitate the identification of children and the registration of their parentage. He may not, in any case, modify their personal status, nor enlist them in formations or organizations subordinate to him.
Article 51: Recruitment of Protected Persons.
The occupying Power may not compel protected persons to serve in its armed or auxiliary forces. No pressure or propaganda intended to ensure voluntary enlistment is permitted.
Work will only be carried out in the occupied territory in which the persons whose services have been required are located. To the extent possible, each of these people will remain in their usual place of work. Workers will receive a fair wage and the work will be proportional to their physical and intellectual capabilities. The legislation in force in the occupied country on working conditions, as well as guarantees regarding, in particular, issues relating to wages, hours of work, equipment, preliminary training and compensation for work accidents and occupational diseases will be applicable to the protected persons assigned to the work referred to in this article.
The situation in Venezuela is so sad that the legislation in force at the international level regarding occupation situations provides better regulation and hope in terms of working conditions, as well as guarantees regarding, in particular, issues related to human rights. salaries, working hours, equipment, prior training and compensation for work accidents and occupational diseases.
I think it is urgent to declare Venezuela as an occupied state.
Lwyer. David Caceres Martinez
Stichting Venezolaanse Vluchtelingen provides the space for victims to express their opinion, complaints and criticism against the Government of Nicolas Maduro Moros, dedicating most of our efforts to making human rights violations and politically motivated persecution visible. It is important to note that any statement made is the exclusive responsibility of the author.
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